Our New Blog Category Tagging System
“For every minute spent in organising, an hour is earned” These are the wise words of famous scientist, inventor, author and founding father of the United States, amongst other things, Benjamin Franklin. He has a point too, organisation is very important in everyday life, especially within the roofing industry. We’ve applied the principle of organisation to our website and introduced a new blog category tagging system: a feature that allows anyone to find the blogs they need much faster than before.
What Is Our New Tagging System and How Does It Work?
We have had an update to our blog page in the last month. If you are reading this, then you are on the blog page. Desktop users will be able to see to the right of the screen a feature that allows you to filter through blogs by category. Mobile users will have to scroll down to the bottom of the page. This feature allows the reader to click the name of the category they are interested in reading about, which will then bring up the relevant blogs from the categories.
If you are a frequent reader of our blogs, it’s likely you will have noticed that the actual blogs themselves have got tags on them. These tags determine which category the blogs go in and are linked to the search feature.

To give an example of the new feature in action follow these steps:
- Choose the category you would like to browse e.g. Balcony.
- Click the name of category, so that the black dot appears in the circle next to it.
- Scroll through the blogs under the relevant tag that you have chosen
We’ve written hundreds of blogs about our work. This new feature makes it easy for interested readers to find the blog posts they want.
Found the information you need and now realise you need our help? Get in touch, call us on 01603 418818 or email us enquiries@roofuk.co.uk.
Like our new blog feature? Tell us what you like about it on our Facebook and Twitter pages.