
Gutter Repair Service: Keep Them Working This Winter

Guttering can be at risk during the winter months. Now that the weather has turned and the temperatures are dropping making sure that you keep your guttering clear will become increasingly important. While you may want nothing more than to stay indoors where it is warm and cosy, checking and fixing them early can save you a lot of time and effort in the long run. At RG Leverett, we can help to keep your drainage systems in top working order as a part of our gutter repair services. Why do they need maintaining? When winter arrives it normally comes with a whole host of problems; cold temperatures, more rain, increased heating bills – it is one of the worst times of the year. Guttering is not impervious to the effects of winter either, in-fact it works overtime during this period as it siphons off the increased amount of rainwater from your roof. If your guttering is not working correctly water will begin to pool on the top of your roof which can cause great structural damage if left unchecked. The guttering itself can eventually get damaged too, potentially cracking or breaking off altogether. How can the guttering be affected? There are two main ways that guttering can be damaged or stop working effectively over winter – blockages and ice or snow.
  • Blockages: Strong winds can blow leaves, twigs and more into your guttering. If you don’t remove the debris it will get blocked, stopping water from draining off the roof. Given time, this trapped water will overflow back onto the roof, potentially causing damage, or will amass inside the guttering adding weight which can lead to cracking and leaking.
  • Ice and snow: If ice builds up in your gutter it can block rain water from draining in the same way as debris. It can also add weight which can cause damage and even cause the gutter to collapse. This can also happen when snow on your roof melts and then refreezes so it is worth removing all snow when possible.
Our repairs service At RG Leverett we offer our services to help repair and replace your guttering in the event that it gets damaged. We have a large variety of plastic guttering suitable for any type of building, allowing you to choose a colour that suits your property and get the finish that you want. As roofing experts we understand the importance that guttering has and the damage it can cause if it is not working effectively. For more information about any of the services we provide, please contact us on 01603 418818 or send an email to Guttering