
Christmas Lights: Getting Your Roof Checked

You may have seen some of your neighbours already putting up their Christmas decorations inside and outside of their house but before you decide to do the same you might want to think about the safety of your roof before getting up that ladder. Your roof may look stable and safe to you but how do you know it's not fragile and has seen better days? A fall from a fragile roof accounts for approximately 22% of all the deaths that result from a fall from height, that's a number we don't want to increase. A fragile material is one that can't support the weight of a person or any kind of load safely and it's not just the material itself which can be the issue there are other factors which are important too:
  • The age of the material – the older the material is the more likely it will be fragile and dangerous

  • The thickness of the material – if the material is relatively thin this could make it a weak structure to stand on

  • The span between supports – If that span of roofing is weak this can pose a health and safety problem

  • The quality of the installation – If the work carried out wasn't to a good enough standard it could cause the roof to become weak.
Whilst it possible for the entire roof to be fragile, in some instances it can be one fragile spot; so don't take any chances. Before you set foot on your roof we highly advise you to get a professional to come out and assess it. We want you to have a safe and enjoyable Christmas without any trips to the hospital. If you are in doubt please contact us on 01603 418818 or drop us an email and we will arrange for a professional to come out and assess your roof. A flat roof