
Am I obliged to pay for my flat roofing quotation?

We are occasionally contacted by customers who have been asked by another roofing company to pay an administration fee for completing their flat roofing quotation, with some not expecting to be charged for this service. If the contractor informed you of this charge before carrying out the quotation you are obliged to pay. If on the other hand they did not inform you that there would be a charge for providing a quotation then this is not ethical business practice. We would recommend you check to see that your chosen contractor is a member of an associated body such as FairTrades, Government TrustMark, a federation such as the National Federation of Roofing Contractors or the Confederation of Roofing Contractors and contact them. Alternatively you can also get further advice by contacting the Office of Fair Trading. At RG Leverett we provide our customers with a free no obligation survey of your roof area, which we follow up with a written quotation within 72 hours of visiting your property. If you would like to arrange a survey of your roof do not hesitate to contact us by calling 01603 418818 or emailing Click here to read more answers to some of our frequently asked questions. Flat roofing quotation