
4 surprising ways a skylight can make you happy

The hour went back last weekend and with it we lost that precious hour of evening sunlight. We might gain light in the morning, but we are all too tired and cross about being up at that time of day to enjoy it. In order to maximise the amount of sun in your life, we recommend you consider installing a skylight to chase away the shadowy corners of a darkened room and let in some natural light. 

Exposure to sunlight will have immediate physical and psychological benefits: 

  • Sunlight is a key factor in the body’s production of vitamin D. 
  • It contributes to the efficient functioning of the circadian rhythm (sleep/wake cycle). 
  • It’s been proven to put people in a good mood.
  • Sunlight exposure has been linked to some surprising health benefits.

Vitamin D is the only vitamin that the body manufactures automatically for you (as long as you are exposed to sunlight). People living in extremely Northerly communities, where the winter dark can last many months, usually have to take supplements. Vitamin D is believed to have cancer fighting properties. As well as strengthening your teeth, it protects against dementia.

Natural light gives the body its cue to wake up. Your brain responds to those first few rays breaking through the curtains by releasing acetylcholine: the brain’s wake-up neurotransmitter of choice. 

Not for nothing do we call describe someone with a good temperament as being in ‘a sunny mood.’ Crime statistics show a fall in disturbances of a violent nature during sunny periods. Interestingly, the correlation is with sunshine not with warmth. 

We all know the dangers of over-exposure to the sun, but moderate exposure has been shown to have a positive effect on skin disorders. Studies show a reduction in the severity of symptoms of acne, psoriasis and eczema given moderate exposure over time. 

The more natural light that you can get into your home during the winter months, the better. Why not start with a skylight or sun tunnel from RG Leverett. Call us 01603 418818 or email and we will be happy to chat with you about the various options available to you.